We remind TQC speakers to submit their post-conference proceedings by July 3, formatted according to the instructions on the submissions page. We accept submissions by email (include tex-source) to tqc2015 AT easychair.org.
General information
The 10th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, will be held at the Dupréel Auditorium, Solbosch campus, Université libre de Bruxelles from 20–22 May 2015.
Quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography are subfields of quantum information processing, an interdisciplinary field of information science and quantum mechanics. The TQC conference series focuses on theoretical aspects of these subfields. The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers so that they can interact with each other and share problems and recent discoveries. It will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, and a poster session.
Areas of interest include:
- Quantum algorithms
- Models of quantum computation
- Quantum complexity theory
- Simulation of quantum systems
- Quantum cryptography
- Quantum communication
- Quantum estimation and measurement
- Quantum noise
- Quantum coding theory
- Fault-tolerant quantum computing
- Entanglement theory
Invited speakers
- David DiVincenzo, RWTH Aachen & FZ Jülich
- Sean Hallgren, Pennsylvania State University
- Laura Mančinska, CQT, Singapore
- Ronald de Wolf, CWI, Amsterdam
Important dates
| |
Notification of acceptance | March 16, 2015 |
Final version of extended abstracts due | May 1, 2015 |
Registration deadline | May 16, 2015 |
Conference | May 20–22, 2015 |
Proceedings submission (final version of accepted papers): | July 03, 2015 |
The aim of TQC is to bring together researchers to present and discuss their most recent discoveries in an exciting atmosphere. With this objective in mind, abstract material which has been previously published in other conference proceedings or journals or which is scheduled for publication prior to TQC will not be considered for acceptance at TQC. However, authors can submit work that has been presented orally or by poster at other conferences, that has been submitted to (but not yet accepted in) a journal, or which has been posted on open access electronic repositories (e.g. arXiv). We actually encourage submissions to such open access electronic repositories.
Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the conference, which are published in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series. A selection of posters will also be invited to submit optionally a paper for the proceedings.
The LIPIcs series guarantees perennial, free and easy electronic access, while the authors retain the rights over their work (CC-BY 3.0). In other words, publishing a paper in the TQC proceedings is equivalent to posting it on the arXiv. In particular, abstract material can be published elsewhere after TQC. Note though that, contrarily to the arXiv and similarly to a journal, TQC submissions are peer-reviewed.
Publication of accepted abstracts in the proceedings is not an obligation, but is strongly encouraged. Remember that this is not different than submitting to the arXiv.
The proceedings will be published after TQC. The final versions of the accepted papers are due five months after the submission deadline and about one month after the conference.
Notification and submission of extended abstract
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on March 16, 2015. Authors of accepted papers for oral presentations or a poster session should prepare a short abstract (at most two pages on A4- or Letter-size paper using at least 11-point fonts) to be included in a booklet which will be distributed to participants during the conference.
- The short abstract format is the same as the LNCS format for poster submission, so please use the same style files.
- Abstracts should be sent by May 1 2015 in PDF format to tqc2015 AT ulb.ac.be.
- The PDF file should be named "TQC2015abstract_talk_(presentation number).pdf" for a talk or "TQC2015abstract_poster_(presentation number).pdf" for a poster, and the subject of the email should be the same as the file name.
Solbosch campus, Brussels, Belgium. Details can be found on the practical information page.
Contact information
TQC 2015 Organisation Committee
tqc2015 AT ulb.ac.be
Previous TQC
- TQC 2014: National University of Singapore
- TQC 2013: University of Guelph, Canada | Proceedings
- TQC 2012: The University of Tokyo, Japan
- TQC 2011: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- TQC 2010: University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- TQC 2009: Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Canada
- TQC 2008: University of Tokyo, Japan
- TQC 2007: Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
- TQC 2006: NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan